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SSI’s dramatic expansion into the textile ETP sector with MBBR

By: Tom Frankel
Post Date: May 9th 2018

Post Tags: Case Studies,

A textile manufacturer such as garment factory, a blue jeans factory, a yarn factory and a textile factory requires an ETP that does not require a lot of space, and works reliably day and night. Often such textile factory ETP’s are built up instead of out, with multiple levels for different tanks. SSI’s ETP group is expertly staffed with experienced engineers having textile wastewater ETP experience who understand the needs of local customers throughout the textile producing regions of the world.  SSI’s MBBR process is an excellent choice for such plants.

The MBBR technology behind SSI’s ETP benefits the textile factory in many ways as follows:

Thanks to the strong performance of SSI’s existing textile factory ETP references, including blue jeans factories, textile factories, and garment factories, SSI is quickly turning into the preferred effluent treatment plant supplier in the textile market. Asian countries such as Vietnam, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, African countries like Ethiopia and Nigeria, and Central American nations such as Honduras and Nicraragua are leading the way in textile production and textile wastewater treatment. We are experienced in these places, providing outstanding service, support and quality, with excellent effluent results.

SSI offers advanced design software to its representatives to assist in providing you with a rapid response.

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Give SSI’s MBBR process for your textile effluent treatment plant (ETP) a try, and you won’t regret it. Click Here to Learn More Now or Request a Quote Here.