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Why choose PTFE Diffusers in Dairy Wastewater Applications?

By: Tom Frankel
Post Date: Aprile 11th 2019

Post Tags:

AerationFine BubblePTFEWastewater TreatmentRetrievable Systems

The dairy industry is large source of food processing wastewater being treated. There are many types of dairy with different textures within the same application. This includes cheese, yogurt, ice cream, nuts, and more. As a result, it is more complex than other applications. Hence, there is a lot to be treated prior to sending the water to the sewer.

Dairy applications have a high presence of fats, oils, grease and other elements. Due to this, these applications are difficult to aerate. SSI Aeration plays an important role in Dairy Wastewater management. A client in Canada was very frustrated with other membrane materials that they were using. Because of this, SSI worked diligently to find the solution to their plant. Continue reading the story here: “Dairy Waste Water is an SSI Specialty”

SSI recommends that dairy wastewater applications use SSI’s PTFE coated membranes. PTFE is successful in industries such as oil and gas refineries, meat processing plants, carbonated beverages factories, food production facilities, and paper mills.

Why PTFE in dairy applications?


Some of the countries we have been successful with the installation of our PTFE membranes using retrievable and fix grid systems are as follows:



In the next blog post we will explain more in depth “Why PTFE?”