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fEPDM vs EPDM membrane diffusers – a close-up view

By: Tom Frankel
Post Date: noviembre 13th 2008

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Many thanks to Mr. Kunihiko Sasajima of Nippon Plawder in Japan, SSI’s Japanese Distributor, for submitting US manufactured SSI patent-pending fEPDM membranes for spectral analysis and high resolution microscope photography. Also attached is a microscope photo of an EPDM membrane from the SSI lab at SSI Headquarters in Poughkeepsie for comparison.

You will see that the entire fEPDM membrane surface has been encapsulated by thin layer of fluorinated carbon, including inside the slits. Think of this thin layer as a barrier layer, through which plasticizers cannot easily migrate out of the membrane, and solvents/fats/greases/oils cannot easily permeate in order to chemically oxidize the EPDM substrate.

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